International summer school on radiochemistry
23 July-3 August, 2018
Moscow, Russia
Dear colleagues!
Tentative program is now available.
About the Summer School
The First International Summer School on Radiochemistry (ISSR) is designed for a wide range of specialists from partner countries of The State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM. ISSR will be hosted by Lomonosov Moscow State University.
ISSR program includes lectures on radiochemistry, radiation technologies and nuclear medicine, given by leading Russian and foreign scientists and specialists, seminars and face-to-face trainings on contemporary radiochemical methods, experimental exercises as well as excursions to operating nuclear facilities.
ISSR covers the following topics:
The language of ISSR is English.
Conditions and Registration Fees
The program of ISSR is designed for a broad audience including scientists, engineers, teachers, undergraduate and graduate students with basic natural sciences education.
ROSATOM offers a limited number of travel grants for ISSR participants. The grants cover registration fee, air tickets and accommodation (oh-house camping). These grants are awarded on a competitive basis for applicants who meet the requirements:
Organizing committee will notify applicants about decisions by April 25.
In case you are not awarded the grant, there is a possibility to participate at your own expense. ISSR registration fee is USD 1300. The number of participants of ISSR is limited, thus preference will be given to earlier submitted applications.
Radiochemistry Division of Chemistry Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University
119991 Leninskie gory, 1 bld. 3, Moscow, Russia
Telephone (13:00-18:00 GMT+3):