International summer school on radiochemistry
23 July-3 August, 2018
Moscow, Russia
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Nowadays Lomonosov Moscow State University is one of the leading centers of education, science and culture in Russia. It is one of the oldest institutions of higher education in Russia and is ranked within the global top 100 of the QS World University Rankings. Established in 1755, MSU provides students with cutting-edge programs including undergraduate, graduate, doctoral, distance and continuing education. MSU engages with institutions within the country and across the globe (e.g. IAEA) to perform advanced research. MSU is home to award-winning faculty, innovative research centers, has diverse and international student body, and alumni who have become Nobel Laureates, outstanding scientists, writers, politicians. Many of them graduated from the Department of Chemistry. Chemistry has been taught at MSU since its foundation in 1755. Members of the faculty, postdoctoral researchers, graduate students, and undergraduate students perform innovative research in diverse areas of chemistry, among which is radiochemistry.
The State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM
The State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM is one of the global technological leaders. It is one of the largest companies of the Russian Federation and largest taxpayers of the country. It brings together nuclear power and power engineering assets, as well as NPP design and construction. ROSATOM is the largest electricity generating company in Russia, producing 202.868 bln kWh of electricity in 2017 (196.366 bln kWh in 2016) or 18.9% of the country's total generation of electricity. ROSATOM holds first place for the largest portfolio of foreign construction projects (33 NPP Units in 12 countries). ROSATOM produces annually approximately 3,000 tons of uranium production abroad excluded. Raw materials of the Russian and foreign deposits (particularly in Kazakhstan) will be enough to supply both domestic and international projects of Rosatom for the next hundred years. ROSATOM with its 1/3 world market share takes the lead in global uranium enrichment services and covers 17.7% of the global nuclear fuel market. ROSATOM also manufactures equipment and produces isotopes for nuclear medicine, carries out research, material studies. It also produces supercomputers and software as well as different nuclear and non-nuclear innovative products. ROSATOM's strategy is to develop clean energy projects, including wind energy. ROSATOM brings together over 300 enterprises and organizations, including the world's only nuclear icebreaker fleet. ROSATOM is tasked with implementing the uniform state policy on the uses of atomic energy as well as fulfilling the Russian Federation's international obligations on the peaceful uses of atomic energy.
Radiochemistry Division of Chemistry Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University
119991 Leninskie gory, 1 bld. 3, Moscow, Russia
Telephone (13:00-18:00 GMT+3):